Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Film Consideration: Two

Have you ever gone to a public place and tried taking pictures? And no, I don't mean pictures of you or your friends, I am talking inanimate objects and scenic views. Well if you're anything like me and those individuals I've traveled with during such expeditions, then you know that if people you don't know think you're taking pictures of them, then they can get a tad bit angry. Such is what happened to a friend of mine when a homeless man thought he was being photographed and began chasing and screaming at my friend. My friend was actually shooting some pigeons that had landed on the ground. Either way, it is from such lessons that I think that I will be sticking to animals and those wonderful inanimate objects for my film. I would love to get some random shots of people--not their faces--maybe just a profile or something, but I am not going out of my way or anything to make that happen. I am also still trying to decide what will be better, color or black and white? I think at this point I have more ideas of what I'd like to either accomplish or try, than any decisions made about, "Yes I am doing this" or "No, I am doing that." But I have a feeling that no matter how many concrete decisions I make, this entire project is going to be a constant "plan" with no identifiable ending which is kind of scary, how will I know if I'm ever really done?


  1. I've taken video of people in public before and they always seem annoyed, so it's probably best not to do it. I'm also having problems decided what exactly to shoot but I know I don't want sync sound. I think adding a voice over or music to our projects will make them easier to edit than having the story told on camera. So I guess I think the grab as many interesting images as possible approach makes sense.

    And like in writing you're never really done.

  2. Good point. I think Mike is right: you're never really done. You might think you're done, but then, after everything is finalized, you might watch or read it again and notice something that you don't like. That's you're "oh fuck" moment. "I should have..."
