Saturday, October 2, 2010

When Real Life Decisions Appear on TV

I made a post the other day about old TV shows that I've been watching lately, and I found myself with an old Dr. Quinn episode that tied into my struggle as a writer. One of the townsfolk wrote a memoir about the town, used real names and events she had witnessed, and the townspeople got angry with what she revealed because as one of the character's says, it's seeing their true selves that they are having trouble dealing with. Anyways, I found the episode endearing because as a non-fiction major those are the qualms I have on a regular basis, the do I or don't I write this story or even as simply as using real names because of the story's content. So far I haven't changed any names, but as I write and depending on the subject matter, I find myself frequently asking, should I censor certain information? I think as a non-fiction writer I will always be fighting this battle--when is too much, well, too much? Some individuals seem to love being thought of and written about even if others might not see them in a flattering light while others shrink away. So far I haven't come across anyone who wants to remain invisible, but then again I haven't put them or myself out there like that as of recently and I hope no one ever thinks about me as doing them wrong when I do write about them.

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