Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Plan... B?

Just started to work on my film project and I'm ready to throw in the towel. I don't know if it's due to my shaky handed filming, or just trying to splice together so many odd segments of film into some kind of coherent tale, but I am more than overwhelmed. I still have not written a poem or anything to coincide with what I filmed (although I can't say I wasn't inspired by what I did capture) and maybe that's part of my problem. My main concern so far seems to be creating something that others will be able to follow. But now I am starting to think: DOES it have to make sense? Earlier this semester in my Seminar in Writing and Literature class we watched a film that, quite honestly, had little to do with one thing or another, yet still told an interesting story. I started to explore the idea of using stream of consciousness as a writing technique, and now I am starting to think it might be worth giving a shot for this project. I am going to experiment with that thought for awhile before giving up completely and if it doesn't work out--there's always hypertext narrative.

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