Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Six Wacky Ways to Save Money

1. Stocking up on condiment packets
2. Dumpster diving at cemeteries
3. Getting too cheap
4. Hunting for golf balls
5. Eating less
6. Breaking the cigarette habit

(Found this article on

I've heard of crazy ways in which to save a few bucks, but some of these were actually new--and a tad bizarre even for me. It really makes you think about those things you're wasting your money on, although I'd never go dumpster diving for discarded cemetery wreaths to fund a hobby. Actually, I am still working on becoming a coupon connoisseur (think those moms on Oprah that can fill up two grocery carts full of items and only pay twenty bucks). But as most poor college kids, I am always open to suggestions.

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